A series of four works that encourage exhibition and collaborative experiences over the internet, deployed via YouTube Live and held in a one-hour solo exhibition. Specifically, ‘Gorigai’, ‘Alive’, ‘openSE’ and ‘All the same face’ were exhibited, with participants committing themselves over the internet, which was facilitated by the artists themselves.
A workshop held at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo. Under the theme of “Eclecticism,” participants brought their own eclecticisms, talked about them, experienced and shared them, and enjoyed them together. Participants became more aware of their own prejudices and, through the experience of experiencing and enjoying the prejudices of various others, became aware of the diversity of ways of life and further expanded their perspectives on the things they love. In the final session of the workshop, the participants watched a video that was compiled from their own episodes of eccentricity.
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo Workshop 2022
In March of 2020, when the Corona disaster struck, the class I was supposed to teach as a part-time lecturer went entirely online. Since I could no longer share the real space with the students, I came up with the idea of creating a system that would allow everyone to directly interact with my space online. So, during the class, I set up a poster of a gorilla in the background of my Zoom, which could be controlled remotely via a web browser (the gorilla’s eyes would light up and the sound of a conch would ring out). This enabled communication that transcended space.
By dividing the Takasu Clinic’s sound logo and assigning each sound source to a pressure sensor. Every time you go up the stairs, you hear the words “Takasu” and “Clinic”. This is an attempt to illuminate the lives of those who experience it by suddenly evoking the everyday in the midst of the extraordinary.
Essentially, the human body is a biotope that supports life activities. However, human beings become unbearable and put a burden on their own bodies, destroying the ecosystems that compose themselves. This system is a mechanism to minimally experience the limits of the spirit and the body by applying a meaningless physical load to Karaoke, which is the release of the spirit. The pain of the thighs and the willingness to sing out highlight the meaninglessness of meaning.