Street Kamishibai Archives

Paper Slide Show is known as Kamishibai abroad because of its unique Japanese culture. Such Kamishibai paintings are hand-painted one-of-a-kind, and most of them have unknown rights. So secondary use is difficult. Meanwhile, I distributed the work of Koji Kata, known for his “Golden Bat”, free of charge as a “useful archive” where anyone can play Kamishibai anytime with an iPad.


Yahoo! Japan Internet Creative Award 2013


Instant Kamishibai

A web application dedicated to an improvised Street Kamishibai that acquires images of children’s photos taken on the spot and images that the audience likes by using the image search API, and inserts them into templates to flexibly add traditional narratives. The concept was “a device that allows everyone to enjoy personal things using the Internet.” The image display algorithm was randomized to incorporate happenings.

YouTube / Article

15th Japan Media Art Festival
Entertainment Division, Jury Selection

15th Japan Media Art Festival
and others


Best Friends Forever

A short animation that aims to make the content of a single print club tangible with the imagination of the viewer. The innocence of the gal character was plausibly directed with a disturbing motif and a nursery rhyme. It is also an experimental video showing how one material can be pulled by stuffing a lot of presentation instead of stuffing many materials.



Wired Stairs

By dividing the Takasu Clinic’s sound logo and assigning each sound source to a pressure sensor. Every time you go up the stairs, you hear the words “Takasu” and “Clinic”. This is an attempt to illuminate the lives of those who experience it by suddenly evoking the everyday in the midst of the extraordinary.





On Japanese edition of WIRED, I produced a promotional article for HUAWEI. It’s about prototyping with the latest devices. With “HUAWEI P10 plus” is an interactive device that uses high-definition video. With “HUAWEI Media Pad M3 Lite 10”, applications can be used in a high quality The performance of the sound system is performed, and the performance of each is verified from a manufacturing perspective I did.



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